Should Your Headshot Photographer Care About The Outcome Of Your Shoot?

It's a good idea since it's your profession they're messing around with!

business headshot photographer San Diego

I received this kind of note from a woman whom I photographed yesterday. It's not typical feedback, except the last few lines - "you cared about the outcome too, so thanks" Thank you for yesterday. You helped make taking headshots effortless and enjoyable! It was like you cared about the result, too. So, thanks.

Wow! I was thinking about my job as a headshot photographer and the results I produce.

I don't believe I changed the way I dealt with this client in any way from any other client. I strive to treat all clients like I do, and I am very concerned about the outcome of my headshot sessions.

It made me think. There are definitely actors and photographers with enormous egos and are extremely busy, or perhaps don't have to be concerned about the flow of clients since they believe that they are "great headshot photographers" and that clients will show up regardless. Perhaps some photographers do not have any idea what they are. They indeed aren't many, but they are growing every day because of the advent of modern cameras that can handle all the technical work for you. Most photographers in this "new era" do not have the full range of skills required to become excellent headshot photographers. They press and point while letting the camera complete the job.

The issue is, do we, as headshot photographers, pay attention to how our client's life goes when they quit the studio? Do we care if the headshots we provide them are beneficial to their careers, regardless of whether or not our headshots aid them in finding work, or help them through that initial selection process and move to that audition phase? I think we should.

business headshot photographer San Diego

Headshots and Auditioning

If they make it to the audition stage, it's their responsibility to demonstrate their acting ability, and whether they'll get the part depends on their auditioning abilities. However, for many of their clients, they'll never make it to the stage if they don't have a fantastic headshot that can get them over the eyes of a casting director.

In the name of professional responsibility, we have a responsibility to care; however, more importantly, morally, we need to be concerned about whether or not we provided our client with the proper headshot, the appropriate advice, and whether it's serving them as an actor's headshot. I'd hate to see any of my customers constantly informed they "their headshot was rubbish" or " it's not showing you very well" or " it's just not you."

It's a difficult business headshot photographer in the acting profession, and everyone expects to get knocked down, but we're able to cope with them if some positives take in addition to the downs. If an actor has a bad headshot and doesn't know it because they've spent a significant amount of cash on professional headshot photographers', they'll soon be fed up with rejections and believe they're to blame. In reality, it's because they've got a bad headshot and could receive poor advice. The egos of many people actors are fragile at the worst of times. We should not add more stress to the issues actors face when we are sloppy with our actions.

A significant element of my business's ethos is to provide people with the best headshots and advice I've gained over the past 20 years I have worked in this field. After most of the customers we photograph are young or new to the business headshot photographer, as with all businesses, we need to work on providing our clients with superior service, even if just because of the pure motives of loyalty to our customers and positive reviews.

I'm pretty sure that if I did not care about my work or the needs of my clients I'm photographing or get the best headshot possible for the person, the news would quickly spread, and as we all know, that bad news spreads quickly.

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